Friday, February 26, 2016

BST049: Puff

Note: Recommend listening to this episode on 2x speed, except for the songs.

Ken lets loose with a record breaking non-stop 44 minute verbal dump!

Sénégal Fast Food - Amadou & Mariam - Dimanche a Bamako
Sleepwalking Through the Mekong - Dengue Fever - Escape From Dragon House

Monday, February 22, 2016

BST048: Personal Podcasting: Who Cares #pcto16

Totally wonderful sketch done by Kat Bautista (@katbuilt)
Starts with an overview of Ken's Podcamp Toronto 2016 experience, followed by a recording of his presentation: "Personal Podcasting: Who Cares"

High Grade - Mr. T.H.C. & Tony Curtis - Japanese and Jamaican

Comments from #pcto16:
"Actually really earnest and funny. Encouraged me to want to try hobby podcasting just for the catharsis."
"Most entertaining and authentic session of the weekend."